The North (Industrial Decay/Urban Exploration)
In Game of Thrones, while making the long journey North, this group of travelers comes across an abandoned cottage which was once owned by a farmer and home to his crops and livestock (see top image). The travelers take refuge here for the night and are able to tell that the farmer and his daughter had passed away due to the starvations of winter. My recreation of this image depicts a decaying cottage which my father and his siblings used to have for fun (see bottom image). The cottage is located in between the edge of a field and forest.
These images lend themselves to the beauty of decay and the adventures in urban exploration. In my own photo of the cottage, we see the rotting wood of the structure crumbling down and caving in on itself in an artfully beautiful way. RomanyWG believes that one of the reasons we find beauty in decay is because “it reminds us that life comes and goes and this deeper truth gives more meaning to our own experiences” (RomanyWG, 2010). In the TV screenshot image, we see the danger and adventure the explorers face because we know this is just their stop for one night. In the horizon, we see no sign of life but rather vast forests covered in a thick layer of snow, foreshadowing their many struggles yet to come and there is something hauntingly beautiful in this.