Kings Landing (Postindustrial Landscapes)
This TV screenshot is of the largest (in terms of population) city shown in the show, known as Kings Landing (see top image). Kings Landing is also home to the Iron Throne or the most powerful King/Queen who rules over the Kings and Queens of the other Kingdoms. In this screenshot, we see the juxtaposition of the forest in comparison to the dense city. The same juxtaposition is featured in my recreation of this screenshot (see bottom image).
Photographer Edward Burtynsky describes the emotions felt when looking at images like these as a “search for a dialogue between attraction and repulsion … We are drawn by desire … yet we are consciously or unconsciously aware that the world is suffering for our success. Our dependence on nature to provide the materials for our consumption and our concern for the health of our planet sets us into an uneasy contradiction (Burtynsky, n.d.).”